Saturday, October 25, 2008


Not the movie. lol. Yaya's Island is a fun little place that you take your kids. A friend and I took our kids there and they had a blast. Let me tell you, I think we(the adults lol)had just as much fun. It was a great way to burn calories lol. Aiden had so much fun. I loved watching him play and the look in his eyes seeing, all the birds and fish(they even had sharks) was something to see! Our kids spent the whole day together and had so much fun. It was great, they completely wore themselves out. (as moms you know that is a great thing) There is this little STEP TWO toy there, it's a roller coaster type thing. They all LOVED it. I seriously think we may get Aiden one lol. He had so much fun on this thing. I went researching this toy and can not believe that it's $100 for it lol. It looks like NOTHING really. BUT they all loved it. Yaya's said it was very popular lol.
We will totally take him again. If anything, so mommy can play hahahahahahahahaha.


T- said...

How fun!

Amanda said...

Cute pics... Love when they wear themselves out like that :) Heaven sent.