I feel very blessed to have my family. We've been extremely busy and well, as you are fixing to find out, a little crazy!
Aiden continues to do well in school and loves it. He comes home singing songs that I have never heard. Such as "the silly willy song" as he calls it. I have no idea what he is talking about lol. He has learn to "Stop Drop and Roll" and about fire safety. I also think he's learn some attitude problems as well. LOL He is 3 going on 16.
Last week, Joe went out of town for work. We missed him so much. As he was gone, I think my house started falling apart. This stressed me out BAD. The window is getting fixed on Monday-broken b/c I was standing in a chair to fix a curtain and fell into the window. I am a Klutz.
We ordered new furniture 2 wks ago and I called to check on it then was told that what I had ordered and PAID for already, was discontinued. I was very very mad, I think at one time, fire was coming out of my ears and I could spit nails. So then, I decide to do laundry (the same day btw) and my washing machine would not work. OMG. What else could go wrong? I call the repair man, and he tells me that the pully is broken which is no big deal. But then tells me that the metal has scratched the tub which will cause the tub to leak. This is going to be a $600 repair. OMG why did I wake up LOL? Now remember, Joe is NOT home. So, I am texting Joe w/all this stuff that's going wrong. The poor man should have turned his cell phone off. LOL.
Thursday, I get up, take Aiden to school then I am off to look at new washers and dryers(b/c lets face it, you just can't have a washer and dryer that does not match...LOL) and I find them. They are beautiful and a must have in a womans life....really they are. Samsung Steam front loaders.....they are so quiet and pretty....did I mention that I may be in love???
That same day, my very sweet husband sends me a text telling me that he has a surprise for me. He wants me to call the owner of the furniture store. So, I call him. MY FURNITURE WAS IN. It wasn't discontinued, it was all a mistake. THANK GOD, I won't need Prozac after all. Life was getting better. I had been fighting a headache all week and just wanted things to go right and for my husband to be home. AND I NEEDED SOME SLEEP.
Thursday, my washer and dryer was delivered, Joe got home and on Friday, my furniture arrived. I slept well Friday night. I woke up Saturday w/NO headache.....
wait it's coming. remember, I don't have good luck lol.
Now, I have a pinched nerve in my neck. I can not look up, down,sideways or reach for things w/out PAIN. What next? I may need those drugs after all. On a good note, my furniture sure is comfy. ;)
Geez! What a week! I hope you feel better soon.
A has gotten SO big!!! He is just so handsome!
Missed you!
Thanks ladies! I miss you too Lisa :)
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