Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Funny stories....part 1

I try very hard to write down in a journal everything that I'd like to remember about my son growing up. I write him little "love letters" in it and plan on giving it to him one day. Today, my son, not only did he make my heart full, but he made me laugh til I cried. So here are some funny stories that I hope to never forget :)

1st of all, lets start out w/what he said today. I bought him this little Toddler Bible a long time ago. We read it, and talk about the stories. Now that he's getting older, he's actually more interested in it. So today, we are cuddled up reading our Bible Stories. We are talking about God's greatest gift to us being Jesus. It asks what are your greatest gifts. I ask Aiden this question, and he says, "mommy's kisses". That is my greatest gift. I thank God for him each and every day. <3 He is the sweetest little boy in the world.

Then we move on to another story. In this story it talks about Jesus being a very busy teacher and how Jesus tells the people to bring the children to Him because he loves the children. It asks if you could talk to Jesus, what would you say to Him? Aiden says, "I'd tell him about BMW's and Honda's and ask him if He has a Honda Pilot?!" ROFLMAO I laughed so hard that I cried. He could ask anything he wanted, about world peace, politics, but no, he wants to talk about cars. That's my boy <3 Isn't this the best age? They are just so sweet and innocent.

One day, when Aiden was 1st starting out potty training, he had his little underwear on. He'd been wearing underwear for a week or so. He was in his playroom and comes running out all excited. He looks at me w/the biggest grin on his face. Looked like he had just won the lottery. "mommy, I found a pocket by my penis" as he stuffs toys in the front slits of his underwear. For the longest time, he called this his 'pockets by his penis' and used it for his keys,phone,whatever he wanted that day LOL. Today, he knows what these holes are for, but every time I see that little butt in those underwear, I smile. Our kids are our most precious gifts from God. I just know He is up there laughing so hard at our toddlers. If they make us this happy and make us laugh this hard, I can only imagine how He feels. <3

Aiden is a wiggle worm. Seriously, the boy never sits still. I find myself wanting to hog tie him at times lol. Duct tape....if I could only find the Duct tape. LMAO. Well, one day, I told him that he had ants in his pants. The child looks at me w/these HUGE eyes and starts looking down his shorts and up his short legs. The whole time he's saying, " I do not have ants in my pants mommy, where are they, they are not in there!" 

You know when your child is acting up, and you keep warning them? Well, one day, he was being a bear. I told him, "I am gonna get your butt!" He looks at me w/the most serious face and proclaims, "no mommy, you can't have my butt, I need it to POOP!" whaaaa? ONLY BOYS WOULD THINK THAT! lol

On Aiden's 2nd Christmas, my Mother In Law got him this tricycle. You know the little red radio flyer ones? Yep that one. Well, my kid was starting to unwrap presents and I am all excited waiting to take pics. I give him the gift my Cousin Ashley gives him. He opens it and we see the biggest grin/surprised look on his face. He takes one look at this set of keys w/buttons and immediately knows what to do with them. He gets up, runs to his tricycle and sticks the key in the handlebar. He takes off. Forget about all the other gifts, he has what he wants and he could care less about the rest. To this day, we say that my cousin got him the best gift ever LOL.

<3 I love my kid. He's the best part of me. I wake up every day and I can't wait to see what he does, and what he says.

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